La menace...

Female Bullfinch

The survival of animals is dependent on natural environments for shelter... and today this kind of environment is threatened. A great number of birds are suffering due to deforestation. Yet it is here that 90% of the diversity of flora and fauna on the planet is concentrated. All around the world, meadows scraped to enlarge the fields, wetlands dried out, forests cut down for the wood trade or grass planes turned into fields of wheat or maze are all sites devastated, each time placing a number of species in peril. Protection is therefore a necessity, in order that future generations can continue to marvel at the beauty of birds.

Barn Owl

Today, it is estimated that almost 1200 species of birds, out of 9900 throughout the planet, are threatened with extinction if nothing is done to save them. This represents a good 12% of known species!

Young Swallows

In France alone, more than one hundred species are threatened. Even some common species are seeing their numbers plummeting, such as House Martins who are finding less and less buildings suitable for attaching their nests.

Blue Tit

Bird protection is above all the protection of natural environments and the limiting of pollution. It is also protection of man who cannot live for long in a devastated environment. It is up to each one of us to accept animals as our neighbours: the planet wasn't built just for humans!

To continue my film and internet site, I am always in search of bird lover's gardens in Cotes d'Armor...

