The morning spring sunshine begins to awaken the plant-life.
The breeding season, which can last for several weeks for birds, begins with the establishing of a territory. This must provide a good nesting site and supply the food requirements for the entire family. The establishment of this territory will be essential once resources become limited: its size will therefore depend on the abundance and distribution of these resources.
Chaffinch (male)
From the end of winter until the height of summer, birdsong rings out from all around: each sings out his song, repeated untiringly thousands of times a day. Real music, with melodies, refrains, variations or simple monotonous repetitions of two or three notes, this is not important. All that matters is that each species has its own unique song, sending its message to all members of the family.
This Dunnock is sunbathing. It's good to warm up like this!
All year round, having a source of water is vital for birds. The provision of water troughs and birdbaths in your garden will give it further appeal. Within days you will discover birds visiting them but also numerous small insects. They will bring you some unforgettable observations.
House sparrow
Preening serves to eliminate foreign bodies and to re-adjust the shafts between them. If they manage to preen a few feathers throughout the day the completion of the plumage needs no more than a moment's wash, beginning with a bath for most species. This bath serves to wash the feathers from traces of mud, sticky fruit... etc. but most of all to moisten them. This facilitates the even distribution of the oily secretions which protect and waterproof the plumage in most species.
Water is an indispensable element. The body of a bird is composed of about 60% water and up to 85% in some juveniles. This water is essential for several vital processes. To maintain this level, the bird ingests directly by drinking or absorbs it in food.