This site will no longer be updated in english. See the french version for the latest news.


Welcome !Côtes d'Armor

Changement d'adresse

L'ancienne adresse URL de ce site va être bientôt supprimée. Elle sera automatiquement redirigée jusque septembre 2024.
Notez d'ores et déjà la nouvelle adresse :

Sur ce site ne seront plus mis à jour que les dates des prochaines animations ainsi que les compte-rendus sur la protection.
Désormais retrouvez toutes mes nouvelles vidéos directement sur ma chaîne Youtube.


(drawing Claire LE MORVAN)

If you have a problem in this site contact me


Great Spotted Woodpecker

Young Great Tits


Living together with birds Thanks to Nathan, François, Yasmina and Yves-Marie (photo Catherine MEVEL)

On this site you will probably be somewhat surprised by some of the photos taken of birds on the nest. I am constantly amazed myself by the hatching of chicks. I will explain how I took these pictures. Remember that not one nest has been abandoned! Firstly, the photos are taken from images in my camcorder. Very important! For a nest, for example, I install the camcorder as far as possible from the nest (zoom) and if necessary, I cover it with a canvas and hide it in a thicket; I leave it a good hour or more before I go back, (I only survey my camcorder from a distance to ensure that it doesn't get stolen). If it's in a private garden, I leave.

Teporary hide constructed by Mr Sautier

For the videos that you see on this website ; there isn't update. That is to say for example, I remove or I add birds, I shorten pictures, text... My videos are in my hards disks, it's easy to modify them. For Internet it's more complicate !
ATTENTION : The photos in the nests are matter of respectful photographers. Their knowledge of birds allow them to approach the nests with discretion, without trouble theirs landlord. Don't try to do like them, you may most probably cause the abandonment of the nest.

The birds quickly get used to this stationary device that they can see in the distance.

The photos taken in the nest boxes (see above) are generally of Tits. These are agreeable birds. One can do a lot without them abandoning their young, for example, I've seem a whole class of school children climb a ladder one at a time to admire chicks and the entire brood has flown a few days later. That would have been different with other birds.

I am passionate about all birds and about video. The object of this site is, above all, to further the protection of wild birds and to collect images through the participation of other people.
I'm looking for video images of people hand feeding birds, e.g. I think, in certain parks and gardens in Paris where people feed Sparrows.

The society Pro-TV producer of programme " 30 millions d'amis " came to see me... More (pictures Alfred Le Mée)

I wish you a good time navigating this site, and hope to share my passion with you.

To discover the private life of birds, there is no need to travel the four corners of the world to discover the rare and the unusual. I'm going to take you, through my videos, firstly to my garden in Ploufragan and then to several spots in Cotes d'Armor to show you the pleasures to be enjoyed when close to nature.

You can easily give a helping hand by feeding through difficult periods.


If you find a bird that has fallen from the nest or is injured-here is some advice :01 and 02

You do not need to be a professional to study birds. I note the details of every brood in the field.



I thank in particular Christian Thonier, Monique Féger, Solange Redon, Job Brouard, Vanessa Chheub, frère Claude Rallic and Pierre Paugam for the help that they have given me in the creating of these films and sound recordings, and Michel Mollé, Guy Gilbert, Bernard Morel, Alain et Marie-Thérèse Hodique, Jean Charennat, Marc Blanjean, Laetitia Pinté, Philippe Leclerc, Frédéric Durieu, François Giraud for their videos.

I hope that this site will help towards a greater understanding, a greater caring and thus a greater protection of birds. This site is not yet finished, I don't know if I'll get there one day.

Text : Yann Le Meur
Photos : Elodie et Yann Le Meur
Drawing : Claire Le Morvan et Ludovic Rault
Website management : Sophie Le Meur
English translation : Valérie Moisan, Lesley Rice, Charly Cordierr, Anne Benayoun

Je suis à la recherche d'une autre personne qui pourrait me traduire ce site en anglais. Merci.


